We are making videos available online for you to continue training from home due to the COVID-19 restrictions. If you are already a member (free-subscriber or 15 day challenge member), you can use your login to access the online training page. If you’re not a member, you can SIGNUP FOR FREE and access the page. We’ll add more videos as we go on.
Thank you for your understanding and we hope that we can help you continue training, at home, during these days.
About Us
As South Florida’s premier fitness organization, we are transforming the way people train and attain results. We offer a wide variety of training options to help you exceed your goals, push your limits, and deliver the outcome you desire.

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Social media
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Help & Support
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About Us
As South Florida’s premier fitness organization, we are transforming the way people train and attain results. We offer a wide variety of training options to help you exceed your goals, push your limits, and deliver the outcome you desire.

Sport Performance
No matter the sport, Takeover Fitness can help you attain peak physical condition.
If you are ready to embark on the conduit to accomplish your goals and experience a level of motivation and commitment like never before, make the resolution that many have made before you- from Professional Athlete to local business owner- countless numbers of Takeover Fitness athletes have changed their lives for the better and now it is your turn to share in the success stories. Act now and join the Takeover Fitness voyage to a HEALTHIER you today!
Our Mission & Philosophy
The mission of Takeover Fitness is to become the top source of strength, energy, knowledge, and overall well-being for the South Florida fitness community. By building personal relationships with each of our athletes, we aim to provide the highest quality service in mind, body, and life training. Through personalized, and consistent training, Takeover Fitness strives to be the support system our athletes need to reach their goals and lead a healthy lifestyle.
Who We've Worked With

What Clients Say